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2023 Post-Conference Survey

We did it!  Thanks to all for participating in the 2023 Christian Improv Comedy Conference!  So what did you think?  Feedback is something that we take seriously and hope that you will honor us with your perspective.  We’re asking for a lot of feedback in the questions that follow, so please do complete as much as you can.  it will all be considered and read and it will make an impact.

You do not need to share your name if withholding it will lead to more honest feedback. As long as it’s all meant with love and for the good of the overall conference, we’d rather hear your constructive feedback than just hear nicey-nice comments. So please be open and thoughtful in what you share either way.  Sharing your name gives us the advantage of being able to follow up for clarifications, etc.

Any questions, please let us know, and thanks again for filling out this survey!

2023 CICA Post-Conference Survey
2023 Pre-Conference Survey - Section 1
Your survey answers will be used for workshop allocations and other aspects of the conference.

Your Name: (optional, but helpful for follow up, etc.)*

Rating of Facilities and Hotel Rooms (5 is highest/best for all number rating questions)*

General Comments on Facilities and Hotel Rooms*

Rating of Food*

General Comments on Food*

Thoughts on geographical location for this and future conferences:*

Thoughts on time of year for this and future conferences:*

General Session Feeback - Section 2
Please indicate your rating from one to five (five being the best) for the 2023 conference general sessions along with your comments for each.

Characters R Us -- Jonathan Pitts*

Content: Takeaways, Testimonials, Suggestions for Improvement, and General Comments for Characters R Us*

Making Things Worse - Will Hines*

Content: Takeaways, Testimonials, Suggestions for Improvement, and General Comments for Making Things Worse*

Technical Format: Takeaways, Testimonials, Suggestions for Improvement, and General Comments for Beamed in Session*

Improv from the Source - Aretha Sills*

Takeaways, Testimonials, Suggestions for Improvement, and General Comments for Improv from the Source*

Breakout Session Feeback - Section 3
Please indicate your rating from one to five (five being the best) for the 2023 conference breakout sessions along with your comments for each.

Basic Instinct - Improving Scenework - John Guarnero*

Takeaways, Testimonials, Suggestions for Improvement, and General Comments for Basic Instinct*

She's So HER-larious - Giving More Space for Women to Be Funny in Comedy - Jessica Jenne*

Takeaways, Testimonials, Suggestions for Improvement, and General Comments for She's So HER-larious*

Elements of Long-Form - Mike Kauth and Patrick Schmitz*

Takeaways, Testimonials, Suggestions for Improvement, and General Comments for Elements of Long-Form*

Gezellig Aspaldiko and Other Ways to Love Gibberish - Whit Shiller*

Takeaways, Testimonials, Suggestions for Improvement, and General Comments for Gezellig Aspaldiko*

Pedal to the Metal by Eric Craddock - Accelerating Scenes

Takeaways, Testimonials, Suggestions for Improvement, and General Comments for Pedal to the Metal*

Status Whoa! - Taylor Wingerter

Takeaways, Testimonials, Suggestions for Improvement, and General Comments for Status Whoa!*

Other Activities Feeback - Section 4
Please indicate your rating from one to five (five being the best) for the 2023 conference other activities along with your comments for each.

New Games*

Takeaways, Testimonials, Suggestions for Improvement, and General Comments for New Games*

Improv Jam*

Takeaways, Testimonials, Suggestions for Improvement, and General Comments for Improv Jam*

Marketing Table Talk - Jack Hollingsworth*

Takeaways, Testimonials, Suggestions for Improvement, and General Comments for Marketing Table Talk*

Troupe Leaders Table Talk*

Takeaways, Testimonials, Suggestions for Improvement, and General Comments for Troupe Leaders Table Talk*

We did not have high participation in the Sunday morning worship time. Would you share your thoughts on why and whether this is something that is not of high interest? Other factors to consider?*

The Rest - Section 5
Please Help Us Plan for Your Participation in the Evening Sessions

What did you like best about the conference or what should we do more of?*

What did you like least about the conference or what should we do less of?*

Overall Conference Rating (1 is least positive, 5 is most positive)*

What topics or presenters should we consider for future conferences?*

What was your top moment or two that made you happiest over the course of the weekend?*

Did you have a moment or two or concern that cropped up for you over the course of the weekend?*

What else should we hear from you?*